40 research outputs found

    Sliding to predict: vision-based beating heart motion estimation by modeling temporal interactions.

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    PURPOSE: Technical advancements have been part of modern medical solutions as they promote better surgical alternatives that serve to the benefit of patients. Particularly with cardiovascular surgeries, robotic surgical systems enable surgeons to perform delicate procedures on a beating heart, avoiding the complications of cardiac arrest. This advantage comes with the price of having to deal with a dynamic target which presents technical challenges for the surgical system. In this work, we propose a solution for cardiac motion estimation. METHODS: Our estimation approach uses a variational framework that guarantees preservation of the complex anatomy of the heart. An advantage of our approach is that it takes into account different disturbances, such as specular reflections and occlusion events. This is achieved by performing a preprocessing step that eliminates the specular highlights and a predicting step, based on a conditional restricted Boltzmann machine, that recovers missing information caused by partial occlusions. RESULTS: We carried out exhaustive experimentations on two datasets, one from a phantom and the other from an in vivo procedure. The results show that our visual approach reaches an average minima in the order of magnitude of [Formula: see text] while preserving the heart's anatomical structure and providing stable values for the Jacobian determinant ranging from 0.917 to 1.015. We also show that our specular elimination approach reaches an accuracy of 99% compared to a ground truth. In terms of prediction, our approach compared favorably against two well-known predictors, NARX and EKF, giving the lowest average RMSE of 0.071. CONCLUSION: Our approach avoids the risks of using mechanical stabilizers and can also be effective for acquiring the motion of organs other than the heart, such as the lung or other deformable objects

    LaplaceNet: A Hybrid Energy-Neural Model for Deep Semi-Supervised Classification

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    Semi-supervised learning has received a lot of recent attention as it alleviates the need for large amounts of labelled data which can often be expensive, requires expert knowledge and be time consuming to collect. Recent developments in deep semi-supervised classification have reached unprecedented performance and the gap between supervised and semi-supervised learning is ever-decreasing. This improvement in performance has been based on the inclusion of numerous technical tricks, strong augmentation techniques and costly optimisation schemes with multi-term loss functions. We propose a new framework, LaplaceNet, for deep semi-supervised classification that has a greatly reduced model complexity. We utilise a hybrid energy-neural network where graph based pseudo-labels, generated by minimising the graphical Laplacian, are used to iteratively improve a neural-network backbone. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods for deep semi-supervised classification, over several benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we consider the application of strong-augmentations to neural networks theoretically and justify the use of a multi-sampling approach for semi-supervised learning. We demonstrate, through rigorous experimentation, that a multi-sampling augmentation approach improves generalisation and reduces the sensitivity of the network to augmentation

    Contrastive Registration for Unsupervised Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical image segmentation is a relevant task as it serves as the first step for several diagnosis processes, thus it is indispensable in clinical usage. Whilst major success has been reported using supervised techniques, they assume a large and well-representative labelled set. This is a strong assumption in the medical domain where annotations are expensive, time-consuming, and inherent to human bias. To address this problem, unsupervised techniques have been proposed in the literature yet it is still an open problem due to the difficulty of learning any transformation pattern. In this work, we present a novel optimisation model framed into a new CNN-based contrastive registration architecture for unsupervised medical image segmentation. The core of our approach is to exploit image-level registration and feature-level from a contrastive learning mechanism, to perform registration-based segmentation. Firstly, we propose an architecture to capture the image-to-image transformation pattern via registration for unsupervised medical image segmentation. Secondly, we embed a contrastive learning mechanism into the registration architecture to enhance the discriminating capacity of the network in the feature-level. We show that our proposed technique mitigates the major drawbacks of existing unsupervised techniques. We demonstrate, through numerical and visual experiments, that our technique substantially outperforms the current state-of-the-art unsupervised segmentation methods on two major medical image datasets.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    NorMatch: Matching Normalizing Flows with Discriminative Classifiers for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) aims to learn a model using a tiny labeled set and massive amounts of unlabeled data. To better exploit the unlabeled data the latest SSL methods use pseudo-labels predicted from a single discriminative classifier. However, the generated pseudo-labels are inevitably linked to inherent confirmation bias and noise which greatly affects the model performance. In this work we introduce a new framework for SSL named NorMatch. Firstly, we introduce a new uncertainty estimation scheme based on normalizing flows, as an auxiliary classifier, to enforce highly certain pseudo-labels yielding a boost of the discriminative classifiers. Secondly, we introduce a threshold-free sample weighting strategy to exploit better both high and low confidence pseudo-labels. Furthermore, we utilize normalizing flows to model, in an unsupervised fashion, the distribution of unlabeled data. This modelling assumption can further improve the performance of generative classifiers via unlabeled data, and thus, implicitly contributing to training a better discriminative classifier. We demonstrate, through numerical and visual results, that NorMatch achieves state-of-the-art performance on several datasets.Comment: Accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Researc

    Multi-Modal Hypergraph Diffusion Network with Dual Prior for Alzheimer Classification

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    The automatic early diagnosis of prodromal stages of Alzheimer's disease is of great relevance for patient treatment to improve quality of life. We address this problem as a multi-modal classification task. Multi-modal data provides richer and complementary information. However, existing techniques only consider either lower order relations between the data and single/multi-modal imaging data. In this work, we introduce a novel semi-supervised hypergraph learning framework for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. Our framework allows for higher-order relations among multi-modal imaging and non-imaging data whilst requiring a tiny labelled set. Firstly, we introduce a dual embedding strategy for constructing a robust hypergraph that preserves the data semantics. We achieve this by enforcing perturbation invariance at the image and graph levels using a contrastive based mechanism. Secondly, we present a dynamically adjusted hypergraph diffusion model, via a semi-explicit flow, to improve the predictive uncertainty. We demonstrate, through our experiments, that our framework is able to outperform current techniques for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis

    Video Adverse-Weather-Component Suppression Network via Weather Messenger and Adversarial Backpropagation

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    Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proposed to remove adverse weather conditions in single images using a single set of pre-trained weights, they fail to restore weather videos due to the absence of temporal information. Furthermore, existing methods for removing adverse weather conditions (e.g., rain, fog, and snow) from videos can only handle one type of adverse weather. In this work, we propose the first framework for restoring videos from all adverse weather conditions by developing a video adverse-weather-component suppression network (ViWS-Net). To achieve this, we first devise a weather-agnostic video transformer encoder with multiple transformer stages. Moreover, we design a long short-term temporal modeling mechanism for weather messenger to early fuse input adjacent video frames and learn weather-specific information. We further introduce a weather discriminator with gradient reversion, to maintain the weather-invariant common information and suppress the weather-specific information in pixel features, by adversarially predicting weather types. Finally, we develop a messenger-driven video transformer decoder to retrieve the residual weather-specific feature, which is spatiotemporally aggregated with hierarchical pixel features and refined to predict the clean target frame of input videos. Experimental results, on benchmark datasets and real-world weather videos, demonstrate that our ViWS-Net outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in terms of restoring videos degraded by any weather condition

    Why Deep Surgical Models Fail?: Revisiting Surgical Action Triplet Recognition through the Lens of Robustness

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    Surgical action triplet recognition provides a better understanding of the surgical scene. This task is of high relevance as it provides to the surgeon with context-aware support and safety. The current go-to strategy for improving performance is the development of new network mechanisms. However, the performance of current state-of-the-art techniques is substantially lower than other surgical tasks. Why is this happening? This is the question that we address in this work. We present the first study to understand the failure of existing deep learning models through the lens of robustness and explainabilty. Firstly, we study current existing models under weak and strong ή−\delta-perturbations via adversarial optimisation scheme. We then provide the failure modes via feature based explanations. Our study revels that the key for improving performance and increasing reliability is in the core and spurious attributes. Our work opens the door to more trustworthiness and reliability deep learning models in surgical science